Friday, November 27, 2009

one way trip

The first few times he kept saying we're old, I can't help but having the resistance to the argument. It was only till he clarified that not only physically, but in terms of identity shift, from a student to an adult, that I realized, yeah it's coming so quickly that not only me can sense it now....
It's like realizing that one of my privileges in life is getting stripped off from you soon when the thought first hit me, I was unprepared and, traumatized deep inside my mind.
A one way trip called life, we're all sent to this world with just one ticket, some people choose to abandon it and jump off the road halfway, some people run as quick as they can all the way like there's no tomorrow, few actually remember what they saw yesterday during each and every day of the trip but most of us take things for granted without questioning the meanings behind
I don't wanna do the questioning now, not in the mood yet but, holding the ticket with me tightly, having realized that my journey is completed at least 20 percent, at the point of no return, I'm unprepared for I'm just like one of the majority who take things for granted

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