Monday, June 9, 2008


it's almost a month after my last paper early May, and i barely had any mental preparation to admit that, largely because, as usual, i honestly have no idea what'd i done so far....
it's the first time for me to not go home for such a long time, guess it's almost 4 months already, and deep in my heart i can sense the desperation of going home, and the feeling is getting stronger and stronger, though i know, there won't be much for me as years pass, friends back in hometown are getting lesser, most of them are busy in university, but home, is all i need now.....
i know there's another person who is as homesick as i am, there's very little thing i can do other than just try to be with her as much time as i can, 3 months vacation is long, not necessary a good thing, the longer you have, the more commitment you need to make, the more stuff you need to take care of.....
as one grows older, the vacation in life gets shorter, a saying in spiderman movie, with great power comes great responsibilities, well we're not superheroes, but as we grow older, no doubt our abilities get upgraded gradually, and everyone has a destiny to fulfil, yeah, destiny, this word doesn't only apply to great people, but to every ordinary people like you and me...
the topic gets dragged too far, there's still a couple of weeks before my scheduled plan of going home, i shall look forward to the day of going home.....

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