Thursday, August 7, 2008


there are people who take you for granted, even if you're as good as a saint, there will always be people like this kind around you......
to be able to mix around well socially is a big issue for youngsters, it's a source of peer pressure, what's more? it somehow symbolizes the popularity of a person, kinda a recognition of success of someone.....
i was once a victim of this problem, i was once a silly person who always do silly things just to attract public attention, and guess what, i was once a person who was disliked by most, i mean MOST of the people around me, including some of my good friends....
i used to hate those fake faces very much, i hated those "2 face" people, they are angels in front of the public, but they are actually worse than evils, if you look deep into their hearts.....
being a true villain, or rather, being an "honest" evil, is a lot better than being a "2 face" you see, i can still recall the times when i was so frustrated with the "fakeness"....
yes i was a true villain, i wan an "honest" villain, and i hated "2 face" people around me, they are worse than me, and yet i'm bearing the critics.....
well i guess every hard time in life comes with a great lesson, i've changed tremendously after that period of time, i've been, since then very very honest to myself, frustration or anger are all over, they're just nothing but self-torturing negative emotions, there's no more hatred for the fakes, but i now look down to them, in some cases, i feel pathetic for them, there'll be a time, when they finally realized the truth, when they finally have to pay great prices for their sins......
as i said, to mix well socially is important, and to do well in that you must somehow know how to fit into the situation, but never lose your true self, and never become a "2 face", you think you're doing great, but the fact is you're getting drained into a trap that you cannot be saved, you think you're being everyone's favourite, think twice before other people take off your mask one by one.....

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